
Have fun and be safe!


Bouldering rules

Kivi grading system



  • When you are not climbing, don’t stay on the bouldering mat and stay away at least 2.5m from the wall — otherwise climbers might fall on you and both of you could get hurt.
  • Don’t put anything on the mats. You could get hurt if you fall on an object.
  • Remove all items from your pockets and accessories from your body. These items might fall while you're climbing and damage the facility or equipment — or hurt you if you fall on them or they get stuck behind something.
  • Before jumping down, climb down as low as possible to minimize the load on your knees and back.
  • Do not start climbing or wait near the wall if other climbers are still climbing close to you. Climbers might fall on you and both of you could get hurt.
  • Kids under the age of 12 should climb in the Kids Area, which is designed for their safety. They are allowed to climb in other areas only with a Kivi Climbing instructor.

Bouldering rules

  • Every problem starts with the starting holds and ends with the top hold.

Color codes

  • Each problem is set using 1 color of holds or volumes. Use the same color holds or volumes when you climb boulder problems.
  • Volumes are made from wood. Colored volumes can be used only in boulder problems of the same color.


  • There are always one or two (not more) starting holds indicated with a sign.
  • You can only touch starting holds/volumes or walls with your hands when getting into starting position.
  • Your feet can touch any other holds/volumes of the same problem, or the surrounding wall surface (i.e., you can choose your own foot placement as long as you are not using another color).
  • You have to establish a stable controlled position with both hands on the starting hold(s) and feet off the ground.


  • Top hold is always the last hold in the problem.
  • You have to hold the top hold with both hands in a controlled position.


  • You can use the wall surface with your hands or feet.
  • Use wooden holds to climb down; they are not part of boulder problems.


  • Don’t use the side or top edge of the wall when climbing.
  • Don’t use any holes for holds on the walls or volumes.
  • Don’t use any bolt holes on holds.

Good manners

  • Use your own chalk ball in your own chalk bag.
  • Do not climb with your chalk bag on.
  • Do not climb barefoot, always wear climbing shoes when climbing.
  • Try to be considerate of other climbers when trying the same problem multiple times in a row.

Kivi grading system

This grade is the easiest grade in our gym. Try it first if you have never climbed before.
This is the grade where beginners start to struggle. If you are strong enough, you can still manage to finish the problem without using proper technique.
This grade can already be pretty hard to just power through. While some people may climb this grade on their first day, most people will need practice, technique and some skills to reach this level.
This is where it gets hard. If you can climb this grade, you are probably already training hard and working on your weaknesses.
At this level, the holds may seem impossible to hold to beginners’ eyes. This grade is where intermediate climbers struggle.
This is the hardest grade in this gym. If you go above 7C+, you have what it takes to become the new Estonian champion.